
Bow Down Before the Flav

He shall be exalted! All the lands sing his praise! For Flavian got a perfect score on Karaoke Revolution's "Under Pressure."


In the wise words of Flavian: "Seriously, fuck that guy that just says 'bee bee do bo dop!' all the time."

Preach it, brother flav. Preach it.


The Holiest of Trinities

I really wish I knew a guy with 3 balls. Then I could nickname him trinity and everyone would just assume it was Matrix-related when really, it's scrotum-related. How hilarious would that be?

The Flav has informed me (hopefully jokingly) that I could give him the nickname Singularity if I wanted to. Ew.

In other news on the Flavian Front, his birthday was last weekend. Happy b-day, Flav!

We got together and had dinner and drinks. I thought I did a good job of holding my liquor. The next morning, Scott informed me that I had been stroking The Flav's foot and talking to it. What's worse, The Flav was drunk enough to make his foot answer back in an english accent.

The foot has been renamed Lord Shropshire, in case you're wondering.