
It's not as bad as it seems

Dems everywhere, don't cry. It's not as bad as it seems.

I know several friends who were near suicidal when this gallup poll was released: http://www.gallup.com/poll/content/?ci=14974

Okay, okay. So people named Reagan as the greatest president. I'll say it if no one else will. It's cause he just died. Nothing raises popularity like death. You have to wait at least 5 years after a president's death before obtaining any sort of long-term idea of popularity. So don't go and off yourself because of this... unless you want to raise your own popularity, of course.* And other than Reagan, who was on the top 5? Clinton, FDR, Kennedy and Lincoln. All of whom can reasonably be considered progressives. (normally, I would insert a Clinton/DLC disclaimer for all you truebelievers but yannow what? After 4 years of Bush, the grass is lookin' greener, my friends. It's lookin' greener.)

And yes. Lincoln wasn't technically a dem. But comeon. He *so* would be today and you know it. And FDR? Shiiiiiit. There are *still* diehard, ornery, octogenarian conservatives who will refer to him only as "that man."** That makes him a-ok in my book.

So basically, this just tells us what we already knew. Progressive politics are fantastic in hindsight, but they're big-n-scawwy in the present light. So, while it may be nearly impossible to actually *get* elected, the people will love you forever once you're gone. Thanks, America.

*disclaimer 1: To all you teens- no, I don't condone suicide for popularity's sake. Just do what the rest of us malcontents did: write bad poetry about how tragic your life is and invest a small fortune in thick, black eyeliner. It's much less permanent and you get the same angst-ridden result.

**quoth my friend, Metal Prophet, who has apparently met some of those ornery octogenarian conservatives.

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