
Exodus! Movement of Jah People!

Okay, maybe not quite what Bob Marley had in mind...


That's right. There's a Christian organization dedicated to upping the already mindboggling concentration of people with Strom4Life tatoos in the state of South Carolina.

It's as if these people sat around thinking to themselves "What could possibly make Ryan hate South Carolina more than he already does? A-ha! Let's ask a bunch of delusional right wing fundies to move in to the state and threaten to seceed from the union! That worked so well for us last time around."

And that's just what they're trying to do.

Ol' Flavian weighed in on the matter, with his usual supportive enthusiasm:

"Whatever floats your boat, guys. If you're getting South Carolina the hell out of this country, be my guest."

So, not much objection from the local liberals at this point.

You may be asking yourselves why they want to do this, though. Well let me tell you! According to the website:

-Children who pray in public schools are subject to prosecution
-The 10 Commandments remain banned from public display
-Preaching Christianity will soon be outlawed as "hate speech"

In summary, they're doing this because they love making hyperbolic lists.

But truly, I understand. You just can't understand true oppression until you've lived a life of lonely isolation- where people of your kind are merely the vast majority of elected and appointed leaders. Where you can shit on other religions, but you can't quite smear it around as much as you'd like. Where people will occassionaly look at you funny when you make blatantly racist or homophobic statements.

In the inspiring words of Mr. Marley (a man who is certainly rotting in hell):

So we gonna walk - all right! - through de roads of creation.
We the generation
trod through great tribulation.


Abe-The Brethren said...


this is my blog

I Grade said...

yo abe, u are bomboclat idiot, yuh live inna di Italy, inna di hert of di system.. my point is, dat u naah haff no blog, it is mine, the http://movementofjahpeople.blogspot.com/

so naah gwaan di babylonian way an stop di rassclat LIE !