
He lies like a fox

Apparently, the Chief Political Correspondant for Fox News is quite biased in favor of the right wing. (I know everyone is just shocked and appalled.)

Even more so, he MADE UP quotes from Kerry and plopped them into a fake story that was then posted on Foxnews.com.

Dan Rather to God: "Hallelujah!!!"

Us normal folk would assume that foxnews can't possibly continue on with their hypocritical bashing of the "liberal" media after this, can they?

Oh but they can and they are! Although I was completely unable to find any mention of their tremendous faux-pas on the foxnews.com home page, there were 2 links to tirades about the CBS blunder: one of which actually proposed criminally prosecuting the people involved.

I'm going to love seeing what the Daily Show does with this one. This is one stoned slacker who can't fucking wait.

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